Hindu RI

Title of authorised program: Hindu Religious Instruction (RI) 

Hindu RI educators follow the Hindu Religious Education Program resource materials which
have undergone independent reviews. The Program promotes Hindu Dharma, cultural
values, righteous living and community service. 

Aims and Goals: 

The aim of Hindu RI program is to: 
(i)             Inculcate Hindu Dharma traditions, values, morals and ethics. 
(ii)            Provide insights into Hindu cultural practices, festival celebration and their
(iii)          Provide a wealth of practical and spiritual knowledge originating from the Hindu
civilisation / tradition that helps the students face challenges in life. 
By joining this program students will also gain important life Samskaras (values) that will
provide them with a strong foundation to become successful leaders and responsible Hindu

 RI lesson structure: 

 A typical Hindu RI lesson will include shloka recitation, scripture stories, Hindu festival
celebrations and learning about Dharma, traditions and culture. 

Duration of a RI lesson: 

30 minutes per week 

Contact: hinduriqld@gmail.com

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