Catholic RI

Title of authorised program: Catholic RI
A variety of curricula can be used, approved by the local parish priest or a bishop. These curricula usually go into much more detail about Catholic tradition and practices such as The Mass, The Rosary, Prayer and Sacraments, rather than a more general instruction based on the Bible and basic Christian beliefs, provided in a co-operative arrangement.
Outline of your Faith Group’s Aims and Goals
The aim of a denominational Catholic program is to inform students of liturgical practice and special feast days associated with seasons of the church year, following the apostolic tradition traced back to St Peter as the first Pope. This universal understanding of the origins of Catholicism is traced back to the words of Jesus in Matthew 16:18 ‘you are Peter and on this rock I will build my church’. Catholic belief is based on both Scripture and tradition.
Outline of lesson structure
Catholic RI lessons are based on the person of Jesus Christ and biblical teaching and may include bible stories, drama, music, craft and prayer.
Amount of time for lesson per week
Typically 30 minutes per week