Baha’i RI

Title of authorised program:
Aims and Goals
The aims of Baha’i RI children’s classes are to nutrient the hearts and minds of children. The emphasis of these classes is on helping children to learn to reflect on and apply spiritual principles such as love, unity, kindness, peace, and justice to their own lives and those around them, based on the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh . The classes seek to inspire in children a love of God, His Messengers and of humanity in all its diversity. The classes include short lessons, prayers, activities to build friendship, games, stories, art and music .
We hope and pray that these Baha’i RI spiritual classes which focus on Nobility of human beings will nurture, train, develop the Potential and refine positive character traits such as justice, love, compassion and other virtues in children.
Outline of lesson structure
Prayers, colouring in virtues lessons, meditation, stories and music
Amount of time for lesson per week
Typically 30 minutes per week